We woke up to a bright and clear sky. It was warm as always but it didn't feel as heavy as normal. The calm after the rain storm.
Early morning, the team went to a church service at Buxton memorial Methodist church. The journey, as always was chaotic, reflecting a lively Sunday.
I saw people dressed up in strikingly colourful outfits from head to toe. Dressed very formally in dresses with hats and suits.
Though I did lose concentration here and there, the seemingly never ending church service portrayed Sierra Leone in a nutshell. Confident, expressive and open. They had a female choir singing.
Nate performed a Bach piece on the cello and Maddie sang 'Danny Boy'. Though this was very different to their usual church music the audience seemed to enjoy it very much.
We then prepared for a relaxing afternoon at the beach, in Lakka, on the peninsula, at a friend's of Kitty's private home. We spent the majority of the sunny afternoon swimming, playing cards, reading and eating a delicious buffet (chicken, fish, rice, pasta and watermelon).
We then came back to LACS to have dinner and spent the rest of the evening planning lessons for the busy week ahead of us.
The hard work really starts tomorrow, but after a long term, it was nice to have a few days of rest.

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