After our usual breakfast, the JTR school team departed for our first lesson at 9am. For me and Ellie it was quantitative aptitude with an extremely excitable prep six class. After managing to get their heads around sequences and trying their best to stop us leaving, we were presented with the task of getting 50 enthusiastic boys into a team of 5 for PE. The best players were clearly marked by their Man City and Barcelona shirts that were worn over their uniform, clearly stating they were not to be subbed. Next, Ellie and I taught one of the infamous year three classes, which was definitely challenging but enjoyable anyway. The JTR team then got a more personal experience of the streets of Freetown when we walked to Ballanta. The hectic traffic and the liveliness of the street salesmen made the journey very eye-opening and a really different experience to the standard drive. After our lunch and a quick visit to the supermarket, we relaxed a bit in the afternoon before going out to the British Council for the evening concert.
Today was another successful day for the Students teaching at Ballanta. We taught our final music lessons and prepared for the concert at the British Council in the evening. After lunch we were given the chance to go to the local supermarket to stock up on snacks (the highlight of the day!).
This was followed by the concert at the British council which had many people come to hear the music of both the musicians from Wells cathedral school, and students from Ballanta. It was an evening of great fun and a brilliant penultimate concert!

[The postponed TV interview took place today, but in the end, as it was on a different programme, they only wanted one student- which is a shame as JTReffel did not get as much exposure, because Jacob went on air! They like having a performer and the whole project started because of Ballanta! Here is what Jacob had to say: It was an amazing experience to go on live tv today, it let us promote BAM and tell everyone about the concert at the British Council today. The interview lasted longer than we thought stretching over an hour but it was very much enjoyable especially singing part of fly me to the moon at the end. JJ- added by JDA]