Sunday, 22 October 2023

Salone 23: Day 3 a day at the beach…

A fantastic day at the beach for the most of the squad today! After a lovely breakfast at the hotel, we headed out in the buses through Freetown. "Naughty Neil" (so nicknamed because we decided to give each of the staff an alliterated name for the trip...more to come later) enjoyed using the GoPro for some vlogging on the journey and managed to take some cracking videos! After some "road tax" bargaining (any excuse to get some money out of "tourists"), we made it to the beautiful Lakka beach, where we were hosted by a friend of Aunty Kitty's! The day was full of sunbathing, playing catch with the locals and lots of swimming!! To top it off we also had a lunch of fish kebabs, chicken and spicy rice. Everyone loved meeting all the locals and making new friends while learning about their culture along the way.
Unfortunately, not all of us could join, as this morning the searing heat claimed another member of the team- Ms D had to stay behind with the 2 pupils to nurse them back into fitness. We are pleased te report that both have recovered enough to join us tomorrow. FUll steam ahead... but it was not Juicy Julie's only company today: she enjoyed the hotel deer, crane and soft shell tortoise!
We ended the day with some singing practice of “Waka Waka: This is Africa” with leader of the pack Jammy Jack unfortunately unable to remember the lyrics to the song he chose. No sign of Naughty Neil at this rehearsal… we assume he was getting up to no good elsewhere 🤦‍♀️. After another delicious and well organised meal at Papaya, we are now all tucked up in bed and looking forward to our day tomorrow at JTR and Ballanta :) We are so well prepared for our first teaching session at JTR!!! Ella and Dimity